Tekniq is one of the most successful companies in Ostrobothnia

Kauppalehti has listed the best companies in Ostrobothnia, Finland.


A Finnish newspaper, Kauppalehti, listed Ostrobothnia’s fastest growers and Tekniq is one of those companies.

The ranking is based on six different indicators:

 growth, profitability, return on capital, solvency, liquidity and risk tolerance. 

Growth is weighted average of the company’s turnover growth over the last three years. Profitability is measured by return on investment and profitability by net profit before tax. Return on capital is excellent when it is over 20%. 

Solvency is measured by the equity ratio. The ratio over 50% is excellent. Liquidity is measured by the current ratio. Risk tolerance is rated by the three-variable Z-score.

Tekniq is 15th on the best performed companies list. We should be proud of this achievement and thanks to our valuable customers and all our employees around the world for making this possible!

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